Retractable security gates - steel Gates for your safety.

Secure your home with retractable security gates

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home. Installing safety barriers between you and potential criminals is a must. We recommend our retractable steel gates that are perfect for safety while allowing you a sense of freedom and control. Our skilled team will assist with the installations at your home, according to your instruction and custom designs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing to have one installed.


Where you decide to place the safety barrier determines what size and type of gate are required. For example, if you are looking to protect particular rooms in the house at night, it would be ideal to install a number of easily retractable gates. If possible, we recommend installing your barrier device about 1m from the door, so that it allows for a safe distance between you and a potential threat, should the door be open.

Our retractable security gates have a slam lock system for the immediate lock when the door is closed quickly. This allows you to quickly create a barrier between yourself and the threat, if necessary.

Total Number of Gates

You will need durable individual gates behind each entrance to your home. Some people install a second retractable gate at the front of the entrance to create a double barrier that increases security.

Something important to think about – is how you want to secure any interior doors and doors that open onto a veranda or porch. The number of gates as well as the measurements of the doorways are required when you place an order or request a quote.


Some people opt to secure their windows with burglar bars. However, in the event that you need to escape a situation through those windows, burglar bars make that impossible. Installing a retractable security gate on your windows leaves you with the option of escaping but also provides extra security for when you are away or asleep.

Cost of Installing Gates

It’s important to remember that when you invest in a safe door, you are investing in the protection of your life and your possessions; in some cases, your family. When considering the cost of the gate and installation thereof, consider how much these things are worth.

Burglaries and armed robberies come at a high cost, financially and emotionally. Investing in the proper security now can save you from dealing with that. It will help you sleep better at night – knowing that your home is safe.

Aesthetic and Property Value

Adding good safety measures to a home will increase its value on the market. With that said, it is crucial to make an aesthetically pleasing choice so that your house still looks like a home and not a high-security prison.

We offer you an extensive range of retractable security gates at affordable prices. Get peace of mind. View our range of products and request a quote today as the first step in securing your home.